Thursday, December 29, 2016

Dromida Kodo HD

Drone No. 5

     The fifth drone added to the fleet was the Dromida Kodo HD.  What obviously sets the Kodo apart from all of my previous drones is its camera.  I had been putting off buying a camera drone because there was so much to learn about simply flying drones that I did not need the extra complications of using a camera.  But, curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to give it a try.

Dromida Kodo HD

     I bought the Kodo at Pit Row Hobby Shop in Cincinnati, on August 6, 2016, for $59.99.  That is the second highest I have paid for a drone.  I believe it was good value, since the Kodo is a great, quick flier, like its cousin the Dromida Verso, and it has the camera.  I have flown the Kodo 19 times so far; a few times in the flight room to learn the controls and check everything out, before going outside to try out the camera.  My first flight in the basemen, I had a small problem.  To start recording video, you press a button and then press the same button to stop recording.  I lost track of where I was in regards to recording; when I thought I was stopping the video, I was actually starting it and vice versa.  There are no lights on the transmitter to tell you if you are recording.  So, instead of having flight video, I had video of my shoes walking up to the quadcopter to turn it right side up after all the crashes!  I found that the key was to turn the video on and then don't crash.
     Once I got outside, I visited a nearby park with a large field surrounded by trees.  I got the Kodo up to about the same height as the trees and was ready to start the video.  Since the transmitter is fairly small, I had to glance down to find the video button.  When I looked back up, I could not find the Kodo.  This would have been a disaster, except that my wife, Cheryl, was with me and had kept sight of the drone.  From years of birding together, she was able to quickly direct my sight back to the bird - I mean drone, just before it was about to enter the woods.
     I think the Kodo takes decent quality photos and videos for such an inexpensive drone.  I just have to improve my flying abilities - a lot - before I can get good results.

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