Saturday, January 7, 2017

Propel Spyder X

Micro Quadcopter Drone Number Nine

     The Propel Spyder X was my ninth quadcopter.  I bought it on August 26, 2016, at Office Depot in Cincinnati, Ohio, for $49.99.  I have flown it 27 times, mostly in the flight room.  It combines speed with great handling and is fun to fly.

Propel Spyder X

     The Spyder X has a unique LiPo battery system.  The battery is enclosed in a plastic case that slides into the drone, locks into place and turns the quadcopter on.  At the end of the flight, you push a button to release the battery and slide it out.  You then use a special charging cord to recharge the battery.  I cannot use my multi-charger with this battery and therefore cannot check the voltage or the charge.  The battery case hides the printing on the battery, so I cannot see what size battery is being used.  The case comes apart by removing three very small screws, but I am waiting until the battery fails before opening it up.  It appears that you should be able to replace the battery.
     I joined the Propel Flight Club.  It is free and you can earn points that allow you to get discounts on their products and free replacement parts.  I haven't needed any of those, yet.

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