Friday, January 6, 2017

Syma X13 Storm

Micro Quadcopter No. 8

     The Syma X13 Storm was my eighth quadcopter purchase.  It was bought at Micro Center in Sharonville, Ohio, on August 19, 2016 for $29.99.  I consider it to be one of the best values that I have had in buying micro quadcopters.  This drone was obtained at the same time and place as my UdiRC U27 Free Loop.

Syma X13 Storm

     This quadcopter is definitely one of my favorites.  I have flown it 38 times, both indoors and out.  It came with a 200 mAh LiPo battery, and I have found that I can also use the Ares Spidex 180 mAh batteries as well, since I have four of them.  It has very smooth and quiet operation, especially at low speed, making it ideal for the flight room.  In fact, it is the only drone I have that my wife, Cheryl, enjoys flying indoors.  A unique feature of the drone is the gears connecting the motors to the propellers.  Each motor shaft has a small gear and the prop shaft a larger one.  This allows the quad to have larger, slower moving props, than if the props were on the motor shafts.  I assume this contributes to the smooth and quiet operation.
     The Syma X13 has a battery compartment with a hinged door on the underside.  After plugging in the battery, you place it in the compartment and snap the door shut.  The drone is turned on with a small switch.  After several flights the hinge fell out of the door.  I used part of a paper clip to replace it.  With a little duct tape, that worked well.  I finally found the hinge in the flight room carpeting and reinstalled it along with the duct tape.  I also put tape on the door latch, since that was coming open during flight whenever I touched the floor.

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