Micro Quadcopter No. 10
My tenth quadcopter was the Quadrone from Suncoast Motion Picture Company in Cincinnati, Ohio. I bought it on September 13, 2016 for $39.99. I have flown it 17 times, all in the flight room.
Quadrone |
The Quadrone comes with propeller cages that make it especially suited for flight indoors. Crashes don't seem to have much of an effect on it, although I did crack one cage and had to repair it with tape.
The 300 mAh LiPo battery that came with the quad was swollen as soon as I opened the box. I kept a close watch on it while recharging and after flights. The swelling went away after a few cycles, but the battery failed to hold a charge after only 11 flights. I was lucky to find the same size battery at Hobbytown, that was made by Ares, and worked just fine in Quadrone.
The drone has three speeds. It is one of the few that I can fly in the flight room at medium speed and still adequately control it. At slow speed its response to changes in direction is weak. All in all, it is a fun quadcopter to fly.
When I inquired about the Quadrone at Suncoast, the clerk told me that he had never sold one before, didn't know anything about them and could not understand why the store manager even had them on display. I am glad I ignored his negative attitude and purchased one anyway.
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